Our Products

Promoter funding

Funding is offered to promoter/promoting entities for companies against collaterals acceptable to SCPL.

Loan Against Shares (LAS)

Funding is provided to clients against pledge of listed and unlisted equity shares/bonds/Mutual funds/ Insurance Policies.

Loan Against Property (LAP)

Funding is provided to clients against mortgage of immovable property(s).

Construction funding

Funding is provided to real estate developers for construction purposes against collateral such as property, charge on their receivables etc. as acceptable to SCPL.

Acquisition finance

Funding provided to companies for acquiring other companies by structuring the transaction suitably.

Mezzanine/bridge funding

Funding provided to companies for its expansion purpose.

Structured Loans to VC/AIF Funded Startups

Funding is provided to borrowers to meet their requirements against specially designed structure by SCPL in terms of collaterals, repayment schedule etc.

Structured Working Capital/Cash Flow mismatch lending

Funding is provided to operating companies to meet their working capital needs against collaterals such as a charge on company assets, charge on book debts, mortgage of properties, pledge of shares etc. as acceptable to SCPL.

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